Saratovtseva Nadezhda Olegovna

Saratovtseva Nadezhda Olegovna

Doctor-physiotherapist, hirudotherapist

Doctor-physiotherapist, hirudotherapist.

Main areas of activity: carboxytherapy, hirudotherapy, ozone therapy.

In 1999 graduated from Kemerovo State Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine.

While studying at the academy, she worked in parallel as a nurse in the intensive care unit.

She completed an internship in anesthesiology- intensive care, worked at the Novokuznetsk City Hospital as an anesthesiologist.

In 2014, I moved to Sochi, realized that I wanted to practice another medicine, more natural.

She specialized in physiotherapy, hirudotherapy and worked in one of the sanatoriums of Sochi as the head of the department of physiotherapy and hydrotherapy.

In parallel, at the Institute of Integrative Anti-aging Therapy, she was retrained according to the expert program on "Functional integrative Dietetics".

In my work, I adhere to the principle of an individual approach, I treat "not a disease, a patient".

The combination of classical physiotherapy, hirudotherapy, carboxytherapy and correction of vitamin and mineral deficiency allows me to achieve good results in the rehabilitation of patients.

I help people take responsibility for their health into their own hands by modifying lifestyle, changing eating habits and correcting nutritional deficiencies.

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