Osteopractician, specialist in natural childbirth
Osteopathy is one of the most effective areas of healing, which allows you to heal many diseases by influencing the cause. An important postulate of all interventions is the maximum softness, the absence of hard touches of the osteopath. Osteopathy in general helps to overcome the disease where medications do not cope. It seeks to eliminate the cause of the disease, not to remove the symptom.
This is a soft touch technique with micro-effects at all levels of the body (fluid, neural, fascial, etc.). A technique that awakens the natural, inherent in nature possibilities for self-healing.
- restore the contours and symmetry of the face
- smooth out wrinkles of the face and neck
- improve posture, remove the withers and lengthen the neck
- remove facial swelling and the second chin
- reduce bruises and bags under the eyes, as well as improve vision